ONE./   The salient differences begins with an understanding of 1 John 5:8;

Malachi 2:15; And did not he make one? Yet had he the residue of the spirit.

1st./   The Fundamental basis of every one of  mankind ( male, female, adult, or child ).
1 John 5:8;
And there are three that bear witness [ in earth, ]the 1[Spirit,] and the 2[water,] and the 3[blood:] and these three agree in one.                                                                                                   

A./   Showing the dichotomy of the human being according to 1 John 5:8; + the many fundamental devices involved, this representation serves to illustrate the various fundamental intrinsic witnesses which testify/bear witness of ["that which may be known of God is manifest in them"] + ["invisible things of Him" "even his eternal power and Godhead"] which from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made. Romans 1:19-21;


Philippians 2:13;
For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

Psalm 103:19;
The LORD hath prepared his throne in the heavens; and his kingdom ruleth over all.

Deuteronomy 32:39;  

See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand.

1 Samuel 2:6;  

The LORD killeth, and maketh alive: he bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up.

Job 23:12-14;

12 Neither have I gone back from the commandment of his lips; I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food.

13 But he is in one mind, and who can turn him? and what his soul desireth, even that he doeth.

14 For he performeth the thing that is appointed for me: and many such things are with him.

Psalm 33:10-12;

10 The Lord bringeth the counsel of the heathen to nought: he maketh the devices of the people of none effect.

11 The counsel of the Lord standeth for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations.

Psalm 115:3;
But our God is in the heavens: he hath done whatsoever he hath pleased.

Psalm 135:6;
Whatsoever the LORD pleased, that did he in heaven, and in earth, in the seas, and all deep places.

Isaiah 14:24-27;
The LORD of hosts hath sworn, saying, Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand:

Isaiah 45:7;
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

Isaiah 46:10;
Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:

Dan. 4:35;
And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?

John 14:10;  ...but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.

Romans 8:16;
The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit,....

1 Corinthians 11:12;
....but all things of God.

1 Corinthians 12:6;  And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.

Ephesians 1:11;
In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:

Colossians 2:12;
Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God,....

Philippians 2:13;
For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

Philippians 3:21
....according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.

1 Timothy 6:13;  I give thee charge in the sight of God, who quickeneth all things,....

1 John 5:6;
This is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth.


But, for now, suffice it to say - this Godhead rules and reigns sovereignly and supremely !!! And,

1./a   It is upon this foundation we rest and are seated in all things.


Romans 8:16;
The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit,....

1 John 5:6;
.....And it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth.

Philippians 2:13;
For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

1 Corinthians 12:6;  And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.
i.e. " the operation of God "
Colossians 2:12;

 in it's simplest form..........

2 Corinthians 3:3;
....written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart.

AND, as can be seen herein and hereby, the Godhead (trinity) although separate and distinct in person, are not separate nor distinct in operation i.e. they are 3 in person, not in operation; in operation they 3 are always present and operate as one.

1./c   This ( here-to-fore to 1./ above ) represents THE CENTRAL CORE OPERATIVE DYNAMIC OF THIS VERY FOUNDATION upon which we were created.


From Adam and Eve, to [ Pharaoh (Romans 9:17;) ] to [Jacob and Esau ( Romans 9:10-13; ) ] to king [Cyrus (Pro. 21:1; Isaiah 44:28; ) ] to [Jeremiah ( Jer. 1:5; ) ] to the [ Romans (Romans 1:18, 19;) ] to the [believers (Acts 13:48; Romans 8:29; 2 Timothy 1:9; Ephesians 1:4-11;) ] to the [ children of wrath fitted to destruction (Romans 9:22; Jude 1:4;) ]. Even touching and murdering our Lord and Savious [Jesus Christ of Nazareth !!! (Acts 4:28; For to do whatsoever thy hand and thy counsel determined before to be done. 1 Peter 1:20;.) ].

Romans 9:16; So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy. Ephesians 1:11; ...according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:...

THE CENTRAL CORE OPERATIVE DYNAMIC REPRESENTED IN THE FOLLOWING IDEOGRAPH as those areas enclosed withinside the heart image superimposed over figures # 1 designated as Spirit.

NOTE: The heart in man is transient....... Matthew 6:21; Luke 12:34;
However, this will be symbolized using another heart symbol - not this red one: this red one serves to signify only our core heart from which proceeds the issues of life themselves only. 



    1./   In the believers endeavoring to make a difference in their world and own lives, The Godhead sits upon top of the life
as ruler/king/sovereign.
    2./   in the non-believers, The Godhead is supplanted/sublimated by whatever is the dominant forces/powers of persuasion that rule in/upon/over the life. 

   3./  The Godhead is none-the-less present and effectual over/in both. It makes no difference whether you believe it or not: The Godhead oversees and over-rules all in every instance and in everything whatsoever.

   4./   How is this possible some might add and ask !!! ? rather emphatically....

   4./a   The answer is quite simple actually.... 
          I./   The Godhead watches at all times and sees all things at all times everywhere at the same time always ! 

Genesis 6:5; And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

Genesis 6:12; And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.

2 Chronicles 16:9; For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth,...

Job 28:22-24;

22 Destruction and death say, We have heard the fame thereof with our ears.

23 God understandeth the way thereof, and he knoweth the place thereof.

24 For he looketh to the ends of the earth, and seeth under the whole heaven;

Psalm 33:14;
From the place of his habitation he looketh upon all the inhabitants of the earth.

Proverbs 5:21; For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, and he pondereth all his goings.

Proverbs 15:3; The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.

Zechariah 4:10;
For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven; they are the eyes of the LORD, which run to and fro through the whole earth.

Hebrews 4:13; Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.

Job 11:11;  For he knoweth vain men: he seeth wickedness also; will he not then consider it?

Psalm 94:8-10; 8 Understand, ye brutish among the people: and ye fools, when will ye be wise?

9 He that planted the ear, shall he not hear? he that formed the eye, shall he not see?

10 He that chastiseth the heathen, shall not he correct? he that teacheth man knowledge, shall not he know? 

Proverbs 22:12; The eyes of the LORD preserve knowledge, and he overthroweth the words of the transgressor.

Jeremiah 5:3; O Lord, are not thine eyes upon the truth? thou hast stricken them, but they have not grieved; thou hast consumed them, but they have refused to receive correction: they have made their faces harder than a rock; they have refused to return.

Amos 9:8; Behold, the eyes of the Lord GOD are upon the sinful kingdom, and I will destroy it from off the face of the earth; saving that I will not utterly destroy the house of Jacob, saith the LORD.

Deuteronomy 11:12;
A land which the LORD thy God careth for: the eyes of the LORD thy God are always upon it, from the beginning of the year even unto the end of the year.

 2 Chronicles 16:9; For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.

Psalm 33:18-19; 18 Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy; [19 To deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine.

Psalm 34:15; The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry.

1 Peter 3:12;; For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil. 

Jeremiah 32:19;  Great in counsel, and mighty in work: for thine eyes are open upon all the ways of the sons of men: to give every one according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings:

And, not only so but also,
          II./   rewards every single one of us according to our doings, choices, decisions, what we sow in ourselves as also in life !!! 

2Sa 3:39;
And I am this day weak, though anointed king; and these men the sons of Zeruiah be too hard for me: the LORD shall reward the doer of evil according to his wickedness.

Mt 16:27;
For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.

1Co 3:8;
Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour.

2Ti 4:14;
Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord reward him according to his works:

Re 22:12;
And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.

Ga 6:7;
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.


          III./    God knows all things !!! 

2 Samuel 7:20;
And what can David say more unto thee? for thou, Lord GOD, knowest thy servant.

Luke 16:15;
And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.

Psalm 94:11;
The LORD knoweth the thoughts of man, that they are vanity.

1 Corinthians 3:20;
And again, The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain.

2 Timothy 2:19;
Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his.

Psalm 94:8-10;

8 Understand, ye brutish among the people: and ye fools, when will ye be wise?

9 He that planted the ear, shall he not hear? he that formed the eye, shall he not see?

10 He that chastiseth the heathen, shall not he correct? he that teacheth man knowledge, shall not he know?

Job 11:11;
For he knoweth vain men: he seeth wickedness also; will he not then consider it?

Job 23:9-11;

9 On the left hand, where he doth work, but I cannot behold him: he hideth himself on the right hand, that I cannot see him:

10 But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.

11 My foot hath held his steps, his way have I kept, and not declined.

Job 34:25;
Therefore he knoweth their works, and he overturneth them in the night, so that they are destroyed.

Psalm 44:21;
Shall not God search this out? for he knoweth the secrets of the heart.

Psalm 103:14;
For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust.

Daniel 2:22;
He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him.

Nahum 1:7;
The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.

Psalm 139:1-17;

1 O lord, thou hast searched me, and known me.

2 Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off.

3 Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways.

4 For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O Lord, thou knowest it altogether.

5 Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me.

6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it.

7 Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?

8 If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.

9 If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;

10 Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.

11 If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me.

12 Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee.

13 For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb.

14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

15 My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.

16 Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.

17 How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!

1 John 3:20;
For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things. 

   4./b   The mistake made by all who think otherwise is as follows - 

Matthew 22:29;
Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.

   4./c  By not knowing who and what The Godhead is [ in all serious realities ]; and, the power of this same [ in every extreme] the person fails to comprehend such things as these !!!

   4./d  The Omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient Godhead rules over it all !!!

2 Chronicles 20:6;
And said, O LORD God of our fathers, art not thou God in heaven? and rulest not thou over all the kingdoms of the heathen? and in thine hand is there not power and might, so that none is able to withstand thee?

Psalm 66:7;
He ruleth by his power for ever; his eyes behold the nations: let not the rebellious exalt themselves. Selah.

Psalm 103:19;
The LORD hath prepared his throne in the heavens; and his kingdom ruleth over all.

Daniel 4:17;
This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.  4:25; 4:32;

Even over the darkness and all evil, iniquity, unrighteousness and sin.

Isaiah 45:1-7;

1 Thus saith the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue nations before him; and I will loose the loins of kings, to open before him the two leaved gates; and the gates shall not be shut;

2 I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron:

3 And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the Lord, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel.

4 For Jacob my servant's sake, and Israel mine elect, I have even called thee by thy name: I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me.

5 I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:

6 That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the Lord, and there is none else.

7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.



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